A type of Mozafati date product harvested from Bam and its East and Southeast gardens. It is relatively coarse, having controlled moisture and good shelf life.
Fruit Color: Black
Fruit size: 35 to 45 mm
Moisture content: 18% to 22%
Count per pound: 40 to 38
The best storage temperature: 0 to 5 ° C fixed
Storage: In an unchanged storage temperature, Shirin date will be easily maintained up to 18 months. Due to relatively controlled humidity and its resistant skin, this specific type of date is more resistant to thermal shocks. However, such shocks may reduce the shelf life of them. Storing such date outside the fridge depends on the humidity and temperature of the environment whose growing will decrease the shelf life of the dates.
Like other types of dates, sugar contain of the dates will be crystalized in case of thermal shock, a phenomena which is called “crystallisation”. Despite the sour or moldy dates which should be avoided from consuming, the date with sugar crystal doesn’t harm the consumer’s health.
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