“Colorful and tasty”
Jahrom, in Fars province located in south of Shiraz, is one of the most fertile areas and nice climate to grow palm, Jahrom is also famous because of very warm and friendly people, the date harvested from this area called Shahani. gentle climate cause palm trees grew alongside with orange and lemon trees and makes this date to be very subtle with nice flavor and thin skin. Date color in dry stage is golden yellow shining like sunlight. Shahani dates are narrow and elongate, their length is about 3cm to 4.5cm and its dimension is maximum 1.5 cm. Moisture content in this type of dates in dry date stage is about 24% and when it becomes date it’s increase about 156% the best quality of shahani date is in final stage because it has a beautiful shape and also has good quality of sugar inside the dates (mostly fructose) but in date stage, skin is separated from flesh and the color is darker and become bright brown color. In our company we presented this date under the brand name of Salman
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